
Hello Insurance. Goodbye Risk.

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Hello Insurance. Goodbye Risk.

When it comes down to it, all insurance really serves a single purpose. It reduces your risk. Perhaps you cannot afford to risk having to pay $100,000 if someone is badly injured on your property. You'd buy homeowners insurance to protect you from that risk. Maybe you don't want to have to shell out $20,000 for a new car if someone drives into the side of yours in a parking lot. You'd buy comprehensive car insurance to cover that risk. More insurance equals less risk. But how much risk do you need to protect against, and how much insurance is enough? Only you can answer that question, and you should have a better idea of your answer after reading the articles on this website.


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Insuring A Car With Previous Damage

Auto insurance companies tend to be wary of cars with previous damage. Knowing the reasons for the reluctance can help you overcome it and get coverage for your car.

The Problems with Previous Damage

Here are the two main reasons carriers are wary of cars with previous damage.

Safety Issue

Some car damages represent safety issues that increase the risk of an accident. Some don't increase the risk of accidents but increase the risk of extensive injuries in case of an accident. For example, if a car has experienced airbag damage, it might not protect its occupants thoroughly in the next accident.

Increased Risk of Damage

Some damages also increase the risk of future damage. For example, flood damage increases the risk of corrosion or electronic damage. An increase in damage increases your risk of making a claim, which no insurance company wants.

The Solutions

Insurance carriers will be reluctant to cover your damaged car. Fortunately, you can take measures to get the insurance you need. Below are some of these measures.

Fix the Damage

The first thing is to have a professional auto mechanic to fix the damage. No carrier will want to do business with you if you present a banged-up car. This advice holds for all damages because the appearance of damage might make the insurer suspect hidden damage.

Stick to Liability Coverage

Coverage for body-damage will be hard to come by. However, you should have no problem buying liability coverage if the previous damage doesn't pose a safety issue. The liability coverage is government-mandated coverage. You can keep some emergency funds for car repairs and just buy liability coverage.

Disclose the Damage

Insurance companies calculate risks based on information motorists present. The insurance company expects you to be utterly honest when giving this information. No carrier will deal with you if it suspects you of hidden information. Hiding information from your insurance company is fraud. Therefore, disclose information about the damage to your insurer when buying coverage.

Deal with a Non-Standard Carrier

In extreme cases of damage, you might have no option but to deal with a non-standard carrier. These are auto insurance carriers who deal with high-risks motorists. You might have to pay higher-than-normal coverage rates for non-standard coverage.

Note that you must have insurance coverage for your car if you ever intend to drive it. Thus, do everything possible to get the necessary coverage. An auto insurance agent can help you get the coverage.

To learn more about getting car insurance, contact an insurance company near you.